CASE Entrained Flow Gasifiers

CASE Entrained Flow Gasifiers are Fourth Generation Coal Gasifiers where the technology is a step ahead of Circulating Fluidized Bed Coal Gasifiers. These gasifiers are designed to gasify a wide range of coal qualities ranging from High Grade Bituminous to High Ash Lignite. The technology works on the ash fusion temperatures of coal. LOW ASH fusion temperature coals can be gasified through this technology, thus making it one of the most effective and efficient technology among other Gasification Technologies which fail at LOW ASH FUSION TEMPERATURES. In this technology, High ash coal can be used of size less than 100 microns.

CASE Entrained Flow Gasification Technology has been specifically designed keeping in mind the humungous high ash coal reserves available in our country (India). With higher gasification efficiency rate and cheap coal prices, these gasifiers are known for their lowest energy-cost generation, achievable through the gasification route. The gas producing capacity of ENTRAINED FLOW GASIFIERS can reach up to 100,000Nm3/Hr in a single cell thus making them suitable for large integrated PLANT. All thermal demands of an integrated PLANT can be centralised through a common GASIFICATION STATION. With an operative adjustable load of 50%-120%, these gasifiers can effectively cater to the fluctuating thermal demands of the PLANTS utility.

In Entrained Flow Gasification Technology, the Gas is filtered and used by the user. The pressure of gas coming out of the gasifier can be plus 80 KPA. Here, 100% Oxygen can be used instead of air as gasifying agent by which calorific value of plus 2400Kcal/Nm3 can be achieved in the gas. This is a boon where the thermal process requires higher Calorimetric temperatures.

CASE Entrained flow gasifiers can undergo effective coal gasification with Oxygen as gasifying agent. During combustion of this gas the NOx emission levels are much lower as compared to coal gas generated through the process of Air Gasification where Nitrogen is almost 50% of the Gas composition. Sulphur in Coal Gas is in the form of H2S which can be easily removed through Dry or Wet Type of De-Sulphurisation System. Thus, both SOx and NOx levels are well within limits for Entrained Flow Gasifiers.

Entrained Flow Gasifiers are down draft in contrast to all the three cousins, namely, the Hot Gas Coal Gasifier, the Cold Pyrolysis Gasifier and the CFBC Gasifier. In these gasifiers, the temperature is maintained over Ash fusion temperature of coal used. The majority ash comes out in molten form from the bottom.

Advantages of Entrained Flow Gas Station:

    • Local, Domestic High Ash Coal Fines Can Be Gasified
    • Gas Calorific Values Up to 2400 kcal/nm3 Are Achievable
    • High Productivity Capacity
    • Lowest Operational Cost of All Gasification Technologies
    • Wide Adaptability of Coal Qualities
    • Reduced SOx & NOx levels
    • Most affordable as compared to any other Coal Gasification Technology

To sum up, CASE Entrained Flow Gasification is the answer to all the queries raised by combustion technologists, who look forward to utilize the vast coal reserves of our country in an Environmental-Friendly manner.

CASE Entrained Flow Gasifiers