For Conversion of Coal into Chemicals, Coal Gasification is the cleanest and most economical method.

The process involves conversion of Carbon present in the coal into primarily Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen.

Depending on the end products required various downstream processes are available with CASE to make any of the following or a combination:

  • 1. Hydrogen
  • 2. Syn Natural Gas
  • 3. DME
  • 4. Methanol
  • 5. Ammonia
  • a. Urea
  • b. Ammonium Nitrate
  • c. Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN)

Each end product has a different technology which primarily involves Gas Reforming and in the down stream other processes involving catalytic reactions at different temperatures and pressures.

Please do contact us for tailor made solutions for each process.

Images of Coal To Chemicals